Sunday, March 1, 2009

Musings Aboard Superferry Five

It’s nine in the evening. I’m mulling over the fact that if I didn’t take this trip, I would have missed the splendor of the sea. Its sights, sounds, sensations, feelings and thoughts have embraced my awareness throughout this journey.

The Sights – From the sea, the land becomes a mass of dark contours – with mountain looming majestically at a distance. The skies, so blue and enchanting, beckon the connoisseur of beauty. The birds riding the breeze punctuate the marvelous natural kaleidoscope.

The Sounds – The rhythmic splashing of the waves and the crisp hum of the breeze are like an orchestra. Out here, music is not so much of the ears but of the mind.

The Sensations – Akin to a fickle person, the sea exhibits many moods. Sometimes warm, bright and especially calm then it could become brooding, dark, and foreboding. Like an awestruck child, I can be filled by a sense of wonder one moment and dread in the next.

The Feelings – Amidst the sea’s immensity, I could sense my vulnerability. The sea could bring joy and gladness, a feeling of well-being and unbounded optimism for the beauty and majesty of nature.

The Thoughts – With time in my hands, there is no greater pastime than pensive introspection – pondering the essence of my existence and destiny. On certain moments, I seem to see my life unfolding – at once looking at the highs and lows of life and about what could have been and what could still be.

Feeling the elements and communing with this great panorama, I am at once made aware of the human condition, in fact, my own.

At sea, aboard Superferry 5 going to Bohol, January 27, 2009, inspired by Musings of a Sea Wanderer by Cav. Suarez, The Cavalier 2008

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