Monday, December 8, 2008

Still Can't Get Over the Twilight Fever

My good friend Chen happened to read my review of Twilight the other day and she told me through my ShoutMix that I have to read its book as it was far better than the movie. She said confidently that I would fall deeper in love with Edward Cullen after reading the book. I replied that I could buy it on the weekend yet (as if I could hold my anxiety that long). Then Chen informed me that I could read the whole saga through ebook and she emailed it to me right away.

I didn’t have any idea about the power of ebooks until I downloaded the whole thing from my inbox. When I saw Stephanie Meyer’s paperbacks (read: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, and very soon, Midnight Sun) on my newly installed Microsoft Reader (which Chen also sent), I was elated! Twilight, my latest obsession, was right in front of me!

And so I immediately took a shower, changed to my sleeping dress, and turned my husband’s laptop on upstairs. Then I let the words of Meyer to transport me into the misty town of Forks, Washington. At that point, I knew my life would never be the same again.

The Twilight saga has poisoned the very core of my imagination, in a good way of course. My mind now revolves around Edward Cullen. Edward's smile, pain, passion, and voice that echoes through the halls of my soul, have become the fuel that fires my fantasies.

Chen was right, I fall deeper into my infatuation with Edward. I wish I could elaborate it further but I’m afraid someone reading this might think of sending me to an asylum.

I finished reading Twilight around noon today. This totaled almost 15 hours of facing the computer and squinting my nearly blind eyes every now and then. (I could be cruel to my eyes when I read.) I swear I felt consumed once I let go of the last word. I took a long nap after that.

After dinner, I became conscious that Twilight strongly captured my interest because it is focused on the human side of the vampires. There is an addiction in knowing how long Edward could last not hurting Bella. And also, I realized that I like the movie more because I got to see Edward’s face.

(Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen)
Isn’t he adorable? Wait till you know how good he plays the piano. You don't have any idea how I obsessed I am in searching about him on Google and YouTube.

(Emmet, Rosalie, Esme, Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Jasper)
Also, fictitious as it may seem, I make an effort to believe that the Cullens exist in my own little world. I so love this vampire clan.

It’s 9.40 in the evening now, the twilight will be over soon. Tomorrow, I will start reading New Moon. So, expect more posts about the vampires' saga here.

Before I end, I'd like to say my gratitude to Chen for always being sweet and kind to me. Thank you so much for everything, my friend. I'm happy that you have found your “edward” at last.

To Mommy El, my bookmate, as always. Remember the Jean Auel series? Thanks for the Edward's lullaby link. I swear, the Twilight soundtrack really rocks! It’s on my media box below. Check it out!

To all, thank you for keeping up with my craziness and for keeping me sane!


Jane said...

Still reading New Moon. Maybe i'll finish tonight. Keep posted for my review!

Alpha Romeo said...

Murag ang politically correct term ana kay "fully booked for my reading engagement". Tiaw mo na nga kadaghan sa libro nga nakalista, ugma dam-ag este damlag kay mailisan dyud na imong lenses nga wa damha. Bitaw oi, I think you're the mother of all bookworms, he-he. Enjoy your reading adventures. Ciao for now.