Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Moon Shines Dimly

Somebody should have warned me that Twilight could be dangerously addictive. Now it’s too late to do that because I’ve surrendered myself to its fang and I’ve been bitten as slave forever.

I finished reading New Moon (the second book) around ten last night. I was so glad that I was over it because I swear I already damaged my eyes. I literally just sit in front of my PC reading the eBook the whole day, with the exception of the mandatory eight-hour sleep and occasional restroom trips of course. Think how bad it was for my eyes! And yeah, I took my meals in my recliner as well that made me surely looked like a hermit.

However, New Moon didn’t actually live up to my expectation simply because it’s more about Bella. I love her character but I do love Edward more. I wanted more of him but I only got his so-called voices whispering on her mind. The first two chapters were about goodbyes when the Cullens finally decided to leave Forks; and the next fifteen revolved around the pain and healing of Bella from the breakup with the help of her friend, Jacob Black, who turned into a werewolf. In fact, I think that I’ve read the Bella-suffering-and-recovering story many times before in other books by other authors.

Yet again, Stephanie Meyer wouldn’t be a New York Times bestseller for nothing. For me, she didn’t outdo the first book but she is good in choosing her wordings. She continually makes every character and scenery alive. She never fails to do genius things on the epic that she creates. I commend her for bringing Edward back in the last seven chapters of New Moon in a timeless style. The setting in Italy when Bella wanted to save Edward from damnation was so mind-blowing.

Now I’m wondering how New Moon would succeed in theaters like Twilight did. I’ve read that Catherine Hardwicke will not be directing the sequels due to time constraint and Summit Entertainment is pushing the production to shoot New Moon back-to-back with Eclipse (the third book) in order to lower the costs. Well the good thing is, Robert Pattinson will still play Edward and for me, that is all that matters.

If you haven’t read any of the five Twilight series yet, take my advice: watch the movie first so that Edward’s face will be stuck on your mind and then read the books while listening to Yiruma’s “River Flows in You” because it will certainly make you love Edward and Bella to your veins (as mommy el puts it). I also like the other songs in the soundtrack (in my playlist below) especially Decode by Paramore.

I guess I have to do the normal things for now (not that reading a vampire story is abnormal though). I need to do the laundry that is mounting up in the last five days of my seclusion and the supplies are running out so I need to do the grocery as well.

Maybe after the chores and my nap later, I can start reading Eclipse and I’ll blog about it as soon as I’m done. But wait, it will be more interesting to write about my husband’s reaction to my Twilight obsession first things first, whatcha think?

1 comment:

Alpha Romeo said...

Looks like "Twilight" is an interesting read. Awoooh!!! Awoooh!!! Oh no, it's full moon again.
Bitaw oi, I've also read vampire stories before and it's really addictive, to think that it's such a thick book, murag wala dyud tay laing mabuhat but to read. It was the Vamphyrii Chronicles, I've also read Anne Rice's "The Witching Hour", which is about the craft of course. One bookworm deserves another.
It's funny that I'm currently studying SEO but not a blog or a website to my name. Well, you'll be the first know when one crops up, probably next year. Ciao.