Saturday, December 6, 2008

Falling in Love with Twilight

Do you know the feeling when your heart is longing for someone who could sweep you off your feet and you become consumed with it until you don’t know what is real anymore?

That’s how I felt after watching Twilight. I utterly fell in love with the movie and I absolutely cried for more!

My husband asked me if I love him this early morning. I teasingly said no because at the present my heart is beating wildly for Edward Cullen. He pouted then smiled because he said I sounded like a star struck high school girl.

I guess I am for now as I can’t get the character played by Robert Pattinson out of my mind. His lines are ricocheting through the halls of my soul over and over again. Indeed, I’m experiencing my own blast of movie estrogen right now.

Edward is a vampire. Bella is a suffering-in-silence girl. They both got attracted to each other from the first moment they met. When she found out that he was a vampire, she told him it doesn’t stop her from loving him. Edward risked being with someone he wanted to consume yet he told Bella that he doesn’t have the strength to stay away from her anymore. Her nearness became his obsession and his love for her became his religion.

For a low-budget movie like Twilight which has won over the hearts of many fans around the world, it is certainly a phenomenon. For me, it is a modern epic. Lastly, if Twilight doesn’t make you fall in love with love again, nothing else will.

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