If you are living in a ten-door apartment and some of the lessees vexingly decide to turn their stereos up simultaneously, chances are you get a headache and you want to go somewhere quiet at once. In my case, I want to disconnect the main electric plug to completely turn off the noise around me. I need peace!
The unit in front of ours, a family of seven, is playing Barry Manilow; the door next to them is getting high with grunge music; and the tenants in the last flat, are shouting (for me they are shouting not singing) with karaoke songs. All are turning their volumes up and no one is giving way. I wonder if they listen to their music for pleasure or they just intend to compete with each other. What has happened to respect?
Definitely not my first impression (because they do that from time to time), I think these people are so KSP’s as in kulang sa pansin. They need to show off in order to be recognized. They get happiness at the expense of others. They are satisfied when others are disgruntled. They are a bunch of immature losers.
Speaking of first impressions, I am marveled by the recent comment on “Half-Awake in Subic” yesterday. A stranger remarked that I am naïve yet deep. How could he or she know? Maybe the way I write or the way I look or my taste of music? I wish I know.
The thing is I could say the same to myself – naïve yet deep.
People close to me say that I perceive life at a child’s perspective. One who is not afraid to commit mistakes and learn from them. A woman who is prepared to learn, discover, enjoy and endure the journey of living and loving.
Yet I also have strong and unswerving views in a global outlook. I care for the children who suffer inequalities, hunger, ignorance, violence, and indifference. I hate wars and dirty politics. I have an advocacy to save our mother earth from global warming for my children and their next generation to come.
Naïve yet deep, indeed I am.
Thank you, Anonymous.
..naive yet so deep, the way you write.. seeing you in the picture seems you are so simple but behind that YOU are great in everything. continue to express your self, your views in life, your strenght and weakness, your being YOU!
I am a follower of this blog and it influences me positively.. continue it..
God Bless!
Hey, you are so unfair. I only know that you are from San Carlos City. Can you at least tell me your name? Pls?
hi jane.. continue to be the inspiration to others. you're such a great person. we wish you the best. keep it up. God bless!!!
from: virtudazo family
Thanks Virtudazo Family! I appreciate your wonderful support and admiration. God bless you too!
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