Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm For Barack!

Why talk politics today?

Well, if you watch CNN religiously like me, you surely get bombarded with US political broadcasts nowadays especially that the 44th Presidential Election is just around the corner. I'm interested in its progress and of how the candidates uproot each other. Really, it's more thespian than reality tv!

At first, i liked John McCain because he is fatherly, soft-spoken and yeah, a Republican. I thought Americans should choose a leader that embodies the true image of its country. Moreover, he is with the present administration so he's in the loop of the real situation (especially intelligence feeds) in America, in particular, and in the world, in general.

BUT McCain is so lousy during debates. Like when it's his turn to speak, i could easily drowse off. He speaks monotonously. He also keeps on attacking his opponent and fails to highlight his qualifications. In other words, he's a loser.

This leads me to listen Barrack Obama more. I realized that Barack is not too corrupted by the politics of Washington. He is fresh, dynamic, and a family man. Most of all, he's black (an immigrant from Kenya) that means he definitely has the non-white people (like you and me) close to his heart.

My two younger sisters are registered nurses and they want to work abroad. I think if Obama wins in November, he will give them (and all OFW's, for that matter) more respect they deserve. He will efface the archaic white western supremacy through all its incarnations. Hopefully, a black US President will put an end to racism.

That said, i'm all for Barack Hussein Obama! I wish i could cast a vote in the US though. Tsk tsk.

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